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At Jubilant Pharmova Limited, environment management has gone through various iterations from initially being a mere responsibility issue to eventually transforming into a competency and performance issue.

To address the concerns related to the environment, we have formulated the Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) Policy, applicable to all locations irrespective of the type of operations and geographies. The policy outlines the fundamental ideology of not only complying with the regulatory standards but also excelling in improving its environmental performance through continual review. The EHS policy acts as a guiding principle for identifying, addressing and eliminating or mitigating any impacts/risks arising from resource utilisation, processes, unsafe working conditions, waste, effluent generation or emissions.

The Chief Sustainability officer monitors our overall EHS performance from the corporate CSR Sustainability & CSR committee at the board level.

The majority of our plants are certified to ISO 14001 & OHSAS 18001

Water Stewardship

At Jubilant Pharmova Limited, we utilise water during the manufacturing of the products and solutions. We meet our water requirements through surface and groundwater sources. Jubilant is continuously optimizing water consumption through process modification and the adoption of new technologies. Our strive to recycle usable water from the effluents after treatment further helps in reducing freshwater consumption. We have also implemented rainwater harvesting at our plants and surrounding villages.

Effluent Treatment and Management

Most of our major manufacturing facilities have adopted a zero discharge strategy. Jubilant Pharmova Limited has installed wastewater treatment facilities at major manufacturing facilities and maintained zero discharge.

Air Emissions Management

The “Reduce, Recover, and Treat,” approach is used for controlling process emissions. We have employed in-house R&D for continual process improvement. In order to control particulate emissions, we use multi-clones, bag filters and high-efficiency Electro-Static Precipitators (ESPs). Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) are treated through Catalytic Incineration and Thermal Oxidation, whereas recovery is carried out through the use of condensers and chillers.

Waste Management

Recycle-recovery and Safe disposal of Hazardous Waste Managing wastes from the chemical industry requires intensive use of environmentally sound technology for its handling and disposal. We have developed a two-pronged strategy to deal with ‘recycling & recovery’ and ‘safe disposal’ of generated waste. Our ‘Reduce Waste at Source’ strategy is aimed at the following:

  • Prevention and reduction of waste generated
  • Efficient use of raw materials and packaging materials
  • Encouraging re-use, recycling, and recovery
  • As per the Company’s commitment towards safe disposal of e-waste, we dispose e-waste through authorized recycler.

Climate Change Mitigation

Focussed on waste heat recovery and increasing share of renewable energy Jubilant Pharmova Limited aims to operate through a low carbon footprint and support in mitigating the risk of climate change. The commitment from the top management is visible in the form of Climate Change Mitigation Policy which aims to mitigate the risk of the climate change through participatory and collaborative efforts. The Company sees cleaner production as a new market opportunity. The Company is also monitoring any change in regulation that may result in financial implications with respect to energy and other resources relevant to the Company’s business

Towards its commitment to this climate change policy, the Company has adopted and implemented several initiatives to reduce the Company’s Green House Gases (GHG) emissions. Some of the key focus areas are technology change, switching to renewable energy, improving the energy efficiency of the process and equipment, change in the mode of transportation. Bio-mass, biogas, biodiesel and solar energy are the key renewable energy sources in the overall energy mix of the company.

The Company is also monitoring and reporting its GHG emission regularly. To understand the product carbon footprint, the Company has already conducted two life cycle based carbon footprint studies by a reputed external agency for 2010-11 and the latest one for 2011-12. The latest study was conducted on 15 key products of the Company using the cradle to gate approach. From both the studies it was evident that the products manufactured by Jubilant through ethanol (biogenic source) route have a much lesser carbon footprint than similar products which are manufactured through the conventional petro route.