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About Us

Shivpriya Nanda

Independent Director

Ms. Shivpriya Nanda, 60 years, holds a Bachelor’s degree with Honours in History from Lady Shri Ram College, New Delhi and a Bachelor's degree in Law from University of Delhi. She is currently the Joint Managing Partner of J. Sagar Associates, a leading Indian law firm.

As a lawyer, she has an extensive experience of over 30 years in mergers and acquisitions, corporate restructuring, strategic joint ventures, corporate advisory, shareholder issues, bribery and anti-corruption investigations, technology licensing and transfers or senior management engagement and exits. She has substantial experience in litigation & arbitration, including international arbitration. She has represented several marquee clients over the years and has been consistently sought out as a valued advisor by her clients for her incisive and businessoriented advice. 

She has represented and advised several multinational corporations and enterprises with specialty in multiple sectors. She advises international majors on large infrastructure projects in the transport, aviation and mining sector. 

Ms. Nanda has been consistently ranked as a top-tier lawyer in various publications. She has been ranked as one of the leading lawyers by Legal 500, IBLJ and Chambers consecutively for the past several years. She has also received several client recommendations including in RSG. 

Ms. Nanda is passionate about giving back to the community and is the founding member of the Society of Women Lawyers in India. She has for several years in the past spearheaded pro-bono activities of the Firm and serves on the Pro Bono Council of Trust Law.


  • Bar Council of Delhi 
  • International Bar Association 
  • Inter-Pacific Bar Association 
  • American Bar Association 


Shivpriya has also written and published various articles related to legal, regulatory and contractual issues including the following:

  • “Will private employers have flexibility to take employment decisions during lockdown?” - ET HR World
  • Mining in India - “Thomson Reuters Practical Law Energy & Natural Resources Global Guide: India” - Thomson Reuters
  • Partners court agile technologies - The Economic Times
  • GDPR: Why does a law enacted in Europe affect businesses in India” - Economic Times
  • ‘GDPR will affect Indian Companies with EU links - The Forbes India
  • ‘Ordinance amending insolvency code is not just for homebuyers’ – Mint
  • Article titled “Fighting it out - negotiating the best deal for yourself’’ published in Lexology, on 29th August 2016.
  • Article titled “Doing the paperwork- What should co-founders pre-agree upon” published in Business Standard online (Smart Investor) on February 1, 2016.